Car ownership transfer insurance

Car ownership transfer insurance

Terms and conditions for its issuance

Perhaps the procedures for selling cars and the subsequent procedures for transferring ownership and car insurance are among the routine matters that take a lot of time and effort. Let's get acquainted, in this article, with the basics and methods of securing the transfer of car ownership, and the steps to obtain it as soon as possible. 

Introducing vehicle ownership transfer insurance in Saudi Arabia Car ownership transfer insurance consists of two main steps: transferring car ownership to the new buyer and insuring the car in the name of the new owner, as insurance is mandatory in Saudi Arabia, and any vehicle that is not subject to insurance is violated. There are two types of car insurance, namely title transfer insurance, which takes place when the ownership of the vehicle is transferred from the seller to the buyer, as the car must be insured when its ownership is transferred to the new owner, and annual insurance, which is an annual mandatory insurance that the car owner renews periodically.

 Conditions for transferring car ownership in Saudi Arabia In the event of transferring the ownership of the car from the seller to the buyer, several conditions are required, the most important of which are the following: The new buyer must have a valid driving license in Saudi Arabia. 

The vehicle's innocence from any violations recorded against it prior to assignment. The vehicle passes the periodic vehicle inspection requirements. Ensure the existence of valid insurance and within the appropriate insurance coverage. It is worth noting that through the Absher government platform, you can perform many electronic services such as renewing a car's driver's license, detecting car violations to pay, and inquiring about the validity of car insurance. Mechanism for obtaining title transfer insurance through Gonsure

 Gonsure provides a title transfer insurance service through easy and simple steps that must be followed when securing the transfer of ownership of your vehicle:

 Step 1: Enter your information and click on the Search Now button 

Step 2: Enter the policy owner's information and vehicle information 

Step 3: Look at quotes from different insurance companies, and compare them to choose the insurance that suits you best 

Step 4: Enter your payment information to purchase insurance, and you will get your insurance instantly Before starting the procedures for issuing the transfer of ownership, attention must be paid to ensuring the integrity of the papers and documents submitted through the platform, so that they are valid and not expired. For more details, you can see this article: How to buy a vehicle insurancepolicy online from the gonsure platform Prices of car insurance companies: title transfer insurance The prices of car insurance companies vary according to the type of car, its date of manufacture, and the offers provided by car insurancecompanies. You can choose the appropriate insurance company after comparing car insurance rates, determining the best insurance coverage, and choosing the most appropriate one. Finally, because your time means a lot to us, we at Gonsure have facilitated the car insurance procedures online, where you can, with simple steps, print your car insurance policy from your home, and access your insurance documents at any time through your account on the platform. 

Drive your car safely, and secure it with Gonsure, the easiest online insurance comparison and purchase site.