How do I repair my car through insurance?
Method and steps to repair the car through insurance
Who among us does not want to repair his car?
All vehicle drivers have purchased their vehicles for different purposes, some of them want to show off their car and some of them want a vehicle that will take him to his house only, but they all perform the same act which is driving and they look forward to the same result, which is to reach the destination safely and securely, so if the driver of the vehicle is in the process of driving his vehicle He needs a guarantee to get him home safely, or to guarantee him compensation for any damage that befalls him or his vehicle, and here came the important role of insurance! In the event of an accident - God forbid - the driver of the vehicle should have vehicle insurance, whether it is comprehensive car insurance or third-party insurance, especially since third-party insurance is called compulsory insurance in Saudi Arabia, as the basic idea of comprehensive insurance is that in the event of If you committed an accident or any of the drivers collided with you, the insurance company is obligated to compensate you and the other driver. As for third party insurance, its basic idea is based on the principle of bearing the value of repairing a third party’s car in the event that you collide with it. Suppose, for example, that you had an accident, God forbid, what are the steps that you must follow to repair your car through insurance? First: At the moment of the collision and after ensuring that everyone is healthy, you should contact Najm as Najm is the competent authority to deal with accidents in Saudi Arabia in the event that there is a valid insurance with the parties, but in the event that one of the parties does not have a valid insurance or one of the parties By escaping, the person concerned with the accident is the traffic. The importance of contacting Najm lies in the fact that the Najm report is considered the beginning of the procedures that allow you to repair your car through insurance, as after a Najm employee inspects the accident, he prepares a detailed report showing the details of the traffic accident and how it occurred, and accordingly the insurance company determines whether or not it can cover the repair value.
Especially if you are among the cases that do not fall within the insurance coverage, whether it is comprehensive car insurance or third-party insurance.
Second: After you finish with a star officer, he sends the report and the percentage of error via text messages, explaining how the accident occurred and the percentage of error on each party.
Third: When you receive Najm's electronic report via text messages, you go to the approved assessment centers in your city.
Fourth: After assessing your vehicle's damages, the Damage Assessment Center sends a text message with the damage assessment report, showing the detailed value of your vehicle's damage assessment.
Fifth: After making sure that all the information in the report is correct, you should go to the Najm platform, specifically the (Claims) window, as this window allows you to file your claim without referring to the insurance company.
Sixth: Adding the information of the beneficiary, information of the claimant, details of the accident, method of payment, uploading documents, then the last step is to review the application with specifying the city of receipt of the claim to receive the claim. It is worthwhile for you, if you want to repair your car, to take these easy and simple steps to repair your car, as previously, the repair procedures were going through complex and long stages, but in light of the development of the insurance sector in Saudi Arabia, the difference has become clear and easy.