What is Najm's role in the event of an accident?
When an accident occurs, God forbid, the authority responsible for directing the accident is Najm or Traffic, so each authority has specific specializations that it undertakes.
What is Najm's role in the event of an accident, God forbid?
When an accident occurs, God forbid, the authority responsible for directing the accident is Najm or Traffic, so each authority has specific specializations that it undertakes. The case that a star is concerned with Najm specializes in dealing with the accident if you or a third party has car insurance, and the insured must provide basic information as possible, such as (name of the amount - national ID number - mobile number - car plate number - type of car - insurance policy number - name of the insurance company - The city - The site of the accident - Any clear or distinctive features of the accident site). In this case, the parties to the accident must do several things: First: You must calm down and not be afraid, as it must ensure the safety of everyone, whether the parties to the accident or any of the passers-by, and in the event of injuries, the traffic and ambulance are notified. Second: You must stay at the site of the accident, and if your stay causes traffic congestion, you must report to Najm, then photograph the accident from all angles clearly, then avoid or move away a little from the site of the accident so as not to obstruct traffic. In this regard, Najm, in cooperation with Traffic, launched an initiative "Report/picture/junub" to encourage doing what was previously mentioned of reporting, then photographing, then avoiding. Third: You must focus and guide the relevant authorities to the accident site. Najm can be notified via the electronic application or by calling the unified number. Fourth: You must provide the necessary official documents, such as a driver's license, and make sure that the insurance and vehicle registration are valid. When direct star of the accident After reporting, the Najm employee deals with the accident and ensures the safety of the parties. He also collects all the official documents of the parties and puts the percentage of error on each party. In this case, it is necessary to verify the insurance of the parties, if it is third-party insurance or comprehensive car insurance, and if the culprit has insurance Against third parties, he will be obligated to repair the second party's car, and if the culprit has comprehensive car insurance, he will be obligated to repair the second party's car, and he will have the possibility to bear the insurance to repair his car; And when determining the percentage after taking the statements of the two parties, the two parties ratify the report by signing their statements, and Najm then delivers to them an electronic copy of the accident report stating all the details of the accident and the percentage of liability for each party. Damage Assessment Center "Taqdeer" When you obtain the electronic report, the party to the accident goes to the Damage Estimation Center, which is called “estimation.” In this case, the center inspects the car, assesses the damages resulting from the accident, prepares a report about it, and approves this amount to inform the insurance company to compensate the injured party with this amount, and when reviewing the insurance For all the procedures that the insured went through, verifying their correctness, and reviewing the papers and documents, the insurance agrees to disburse this amount to the insured, either by transferring the amount to him, or by allowing the insurance to pay directly to the workshop or agency, according to the agreement. The case in which the traffic is concerned As for the case that is outside Najm’s competence and enters the traffic jurisdiction, it is: If all parties are without insurance, or if there are injuries or death, God forbid, also in the event that the second party collides with you and runs away, or if your car is found to be in a state of collision due to an external and unknown event, Then the person to whom the accident happened should follow some important procedures: First: calmness and lack of emotion. Second: Contacting and informing traffic by clearly defining the location of the accident. Third: Providing official documents related to your personal identity - driving license - vehicle registration form. When directly passing through the accident When the accident begins, the safety of the parties is ensured and a report is prepared about the accident after inspecting the cars and taking the statements of the parties. After that, the parties ratify and sign the report so that each party completes the rest of the procedures as they are in Najm by visiting the Damage Estimation Center and filing the claim to the insurance company.