Add a driver to my vehicle insurance policy?
- Can I add a driver to my vehicle insurance policy, and is it necessary to add a driver to my vehicle insurance policy? These questions are in this article
When you, as a vehicle owner, insure cars, whether the insurance is comprehensive insurance or third-party insurance, it is not a requirement that you drive it. Your son, relative, or wife may drive it, and when they drive the vehicle, several important questions may come to mind, namely: - Can I add a driver to my vehicle insurance policy? Is it necessary to add a driver to my vehicle insurance policy? - Does the insurance cover the driver of the vehicle and not its owner? It is not a requirement, as mentioned above, that you drive the car on your own, as the family may exchange vehicles, and you may allow your wife or children to borrow your car or vice versa. Here it should be noted that when you own a vehicle, you can add a driver to it in the insurance policy, and a policy must be issued The insurance is in the name of its user, so the insurance is not issued on the car only, but you must inform the insurance company about its additional driver and register it with the records and documents of the insurance company in order for the vehicle insurance process to be completed in a known and regular manner for the insurance company, as many may believe in a wrong concept that the insurance policy is only sufficient to It is issued on the vehicle without referring to the data of the vehicle user, and therefore, in order to facilitate the general owners and users of vehicles, car insurance companies have allowed that the insurance policy covers the driver of the vehicle, not just its owner, and protection extends to all of them, as many insurance companies have warned of the need to add an additional driver to the policy Insurance and the consequence of non-compliance with this is the rejection of the claim. It should be noted that the difference between the policy holder and the vehicle driver is that the policy holder is the person who buys the insurance policy and is therefore covered by the insurance if he causes injury to any person or damages the property of others. The policyholder can add some people to the insurance policy to allow them to drive the car, and the additional driver is any person who is able to drive legally in Saudi Arabia and authorized to drive the policyholder’s car (father / brother / sister / husband / wife / private driver) Once his name is added to the policy, that person will get the same insurance coverage as the policyholder. Some may ask about how to add an additional driver to the vehicle and the requirements for this procedure, as the Saudi Central Bank previously did not allow coverage of accidents for additional drivers who are under the age of 21 and have car insuranceagainst third parties, and according to the latest decision issued by the Saudi Central Bank SAMA, insurance covers drivers The additional ones are 18 years and over, provided that the driver holds a valid driver's license. As for those who have comprehensive vehicle insurance, it is not required that he be 18 years old, but it is only sufficient for him to have a valid license. Also, the advantages differ from each company and another in the comprehensiveness of insurance for drivers or not. Some companies may cover the insurance towards the primary policy holder in addition to a named driver in the insurance policy (the additional driver). Some car insurance companies may also allow insurance to include the unnamed driver. (holds a driver's license and is less than 20 years old) or an unnamed driver (holds a driver's license and is over 18 years old). To add an additional driver, you must follow the following: 1- Communicate directly with the concerned insurance company to update the insurance policy. 2- Provide the insurance company with the necessary information, such as: the policy number, the driver's age, and a copy of the driver's license. 3- Pay the prescribed fees for updating the document, if any. 4- Receive your updated document.