What are the types of insurance?
Common/basic types of insurance
What are the types of insurance? Car insurance represents an important element in the lives of vehicle drivers, as it is considered a guarantee to return the condition of your vehicle to the condition it was in before the accident occurred. . After the concept of insurance matured in Saudi Arabia, car insurance companies began issuing different types of car insurance with the aim of diversifying benefits and uses. Common/basic types of insurance There are types of insurance recognized by the insurance companies and the beneficiaries or the insured, and these types are considered more like the basic types in which the idea of insurance arose, and the types are represented by: comprehensive car insurance and car insurance against third parties. Explains the concept and scope of third party insurance and comprehensive insurance. Comprehensive insurance (concept / coverage / objectives) It is an insurance program that covers loss or damage to the insured car, including the accessories (accessories) inside it, as a result of any accidental collision or overturning due to mechanical failure, or due to breakdowns resulting from prolonged use without maintenance, in addition to damages not resulting from a car accident, according to Terms and conditions mentioned in the document. Comprehensive vehicle insurance covers the following:
- Loss or damage to the insured vehicle. - natural disasters . Responsibility towards others. There are insurance companies that may cover (the costs of emergency treatment, fire, theft...) and a lot of things, depending on each company and the coverage it provides. Objectives of comprehensive car insurance It includes a wide range of coverage options.
- Covers third party damages and damages to your car.
- Includes compensation for damages wider than just a car collision. - Covers damages caused by man or caused by natural disasters. Insurance against third parties (concept / coverage / objectives) Compulsory insurance according to the traffic regulations in Saudi Arabia, so that the owner of the car insures his car against damage that may be caused to others or their property by 100 percent as a result of an accident resulting from your car - God forbid. This document also includes a fine guarantee certificate and any additional appendix ( (if any), provided that it does not contradict or violate the provisions contained in the document. Third party insurance covers the following:
- Damages to third parties inside and outside the vehicle. Physical damage outside the vehicle. Objectives of third party car insurance Covers third party vehicle damages only. Covers personal damages to others caused by the policy holder. It costs less than comprehensive car insurance. Subtypes of vehicle insurance Insurance companies provide many insurance products that suit different customers and satisfy their desires. For example, Tawuniya insurance provides comprehensive car insurance and third-party car insurance called Sanad Plus.
Many insurance companies follow this approach by providing insurance products with advantages and objectives that suit the requirements of society and the customer.