What the requirements for issuing car insurance?
In order for comprehensive insurance, third-party insurance, or any insurance policy to be issued in general, it is necessary that there be some requirements that you, as an insured, must provide or fulfill.
What are the requirements for purchasing and issuing vehicle insurance? Some may ask about what insurance is? And what is its use? Why do we believe? The aim of car insurance is to protect the insured against future and unexpected risks and to return the insured's condition to the same state it was in before the occurrence of the risk, through mutual cooperation between a group of the insured, in order to complete comprehensive insurance or insurance against third parties or Issuance of any insurance policy in general, it requires that there are some requirements that you, as an insured, must provide or fulfill. Car insurance companies vary according to their insurance products. You may find an insurance company that provides only the most popular types of insurance, which are comprehensive insurance and third-party insurance. There are professional insurance companies that provide insurance products that are more than just comprehensive insurance or third-party insurance, but rather multiple options that meet the customer’s need, For example, Tawuniya Insurance provides four types of insurance: Comprehensive Insurance - Sanad Insurance (compulsory insurance against third parties) - Sanad Plus Insurance - Motor Flex, and each type of insurance has its own characteristics and advantages. Against third parties or vehicle damage insurance, and each insurance has its advantages and characteristics. It is worth noting that the requirements for purchasing and issuing vehicle insurance are similar, and it is even possible to say that they are somewhat identical between each company and the other, but some minor details may differ regarding additional insurance options in one company and not in the other, as the insurance requirements may differ if your insurance is As an individual or as an establishment, if you wish to insure, then the insurance companies will ask you for the following requirements: You must enter the ID or Iqama number. Enter the year of birth. Enter email. Enter the mobile number. Mention the information of your car, whether it is a driver's license or a customs card. If it is a driver's license, you must write the serial number at the bottom of the driver's license and mention the vehicle's model. It shows you your vehicle to be insured with all its details and description. You choose the insurance plan. When choosing insurance coverage, you need to specify the policy start and end date. Go to the payment gateway and pay the value of the insurance policy. Agree to the representations and terms. And if it is a company, the insurance requirements are as follows: The company's commercial register. Identification Number.
Year of Birth. Mobile number. Also, if you want to insure with a specific company, or you compare car insurance prices in saudi arabia, you must verify the data that interests you as an insured, which are as follows:
1- Limits of coverage. Insurance products vary according to companies, prices and services provided, and therefore it is worth checking the limits of insurance coverage before purchasing the policy.
2- Consumption rate Car insurance companies calculate your depreciation percentage of the car and deduct it from the claim value. Therefore, when insuring the vehicle, it is important for you to see the value of the depreciation percentage imposed on you.
3- Discount for not filing a claim One of the important issues when purchasing an insurance policy is to make sure of the discount rate because there is no claim, according to which the insurance premium will be reduced for the next year due to the fact that the insured did not submit a claim to the insurance company and his record was free from accidents during a previous insurance year, and this is a matter of encouraging drivers not to Committing traffic accidents, and to find out more details, you can read this article about the no-claim deduction via the gonsure blog. Insurance, as mentioned above, provides protection to the insured against future and unexpected dangers and restores the condition of the insured to the same state it was in before the occurrence of the danger. Therefore, insurance is one of the important procedures that the driver of the vehicle must take, in order to preserve his safety and the safety of his vehicle.