Comprehensive insurance cover the Gulf countries?
A comprehensive look at comprehensive insurance, including the geographical boundaries of comprehensive insurance, and whether it includes the GCC countries or not..
An overview of comprehensive insurance:
Comprehensive vehicle insurance
This type of insurance is approved by the Sharia Board and provides comprehensive coverage for the insured vehicle and its accessories to include liability towards third parties, and loss or damage to commercial vehicles mentioned in the insurance policy, according to the conditions and exceptions described in the policy.
Coverage in comprehensive insurance:
Insurance coverage of the insured vehicle
In the event of a total or partial loss of the vehicle in the event of an accident, God forbid, the insured shall be compensated based on the estimated amount of repair or compensation in the event of the total loss of the vehicle.
They include:
Physical damage to those inside or outside the vehicle.
Physical damage outside the vehicle.
Emergency medical coverage:
Most insurance companies pay the insured reasonable medical expenses incurred in connection with any bodily injury caused by a violent external emergency, God forbid, as a direct cause of an accident to the vehicle, provided that the company's liability in respect of any single accident does not exceed the amount stated in the insurance policy.
Coverage in case of accidents and natural disasters:
Such as torrential rains if it is not proven that the driver risks cutting or crossing the vehicle, hurricanes, earthquakes, hail and lightning strikes, with the exception of sandstorms.
Fire and theft:
The insurance includes cases of theft, provided that the vehicle driver’s negligence is not proven by leaving it in the running position, or when the vehicle burns in an external explosion or self-ignition, and compensation is made based on what is stipulated in the terms of the agreed document.
Transportation to and from the workshops:
Compensating the insured with the cost of protecting and transporting the damaged vehicle to the nearest place for repairs.
Additional options:
Vehicle repair in the agent's workshops.
You can repair the vehicle in case of damage at the authorized dealer's workshops
Some insurance companies stipulate in their policies that the vehicle must be new in order to be repaired by the agent.
Provide an alternative vehicle
Driver coverage between 18 to 21 years old
This is according to the terms of the document agreed upon by the client and the company
Insurance geographic boundaries
Geographical limits differ in comprehensive insurance from one company to another, but most insurance companies give you the option to expand the geographical scope and include expansion. The Gulf Cooperation Council countries, including Bahrain and the Kingdom of Jordan, have some companies, and some are Bahrain only. Therefore, we recommend that you get to know all the terms of the policy well and know its limits and scope.
Why comprehensive insurance?
It reduces the size of the financial loss that the vehicle owner may be exposed to as a result of a traffic accident, God forbid.
Failure to arrest the driver who caused the accident and thus prevent the commercial vehicle from stopping working.
It provides a distinct and diverse package compared to the rest of the insurance policies in terms of additional expansions that raise the ceiling of the insurance benefit and the insured.
Providing a network of approved repair workshops spread throughout the Kingdom.
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