why national address is important for insurance
Have you ever wondered what a national address is? And what is its importance? What are the effects of not obtaining a national address when insuring vehicles? These and other questions will be answered in this article
The national address is, in short, your spatial identity that makes you an official presence and interaction with government agencies and others, whether you are an individual or a commercial or government sector located in a village or city; Your address contains a set of data that you express in geographical and spatial indications, which in their entirety represent your geographical footprint in the place where you live. The national address service is characterized as a free service that allows you to quickly reach you with commercial shipments, or quickly obtain government documents or commercial and personal parcels. You can also Register at the national address via the following link:
The national address consists of seven basic components, namely:
- Short address
- The name of the district
- Street name
- The name of the city
- Building number
- Sub number
- Postal code
The importance of the national address for extracting insurance lies the main condition that the national address is a prerequisite for issuing any motor insurance policy due to the importance of determining the geographical scope of the insured as well as for the second party for documentary and pricing reasons, as the national address of the insurer is a major criterion in pricing the insurance policy, as these are followed controls and all adhere to them. Insurance companies, and there is no car insurance company that does not require obtaining a correct and reliable national address in line with the directives, due to its utmost importance as mentioned above, and many insurance companies are aware through their websites and social media of the need to obtain the national address to issue a vehicle insurance saudi arabia policy.
The requirements for registration in the national address lie in the necessity of having a national identity for Saudis and a valid residency for residents, and obtaining a national address for business requires the presence of a commercial register or the establishment number in the work office, and it is also possible to extract the national address through the Spl platform for government agencies by contacting the government sales department. As for how to obtain a national address, it is through:
Visit the Spl online platform via the following link: https://splonline.com.sa/ar/national-address-1/
- Click on the “National Address” tab.
- Click on the word “Register Now”
- Download the application to complete the procedures or complete them through the website
- It shows you the options for extracting the national address. If the purpose is to extract a national address for individuals through the usual uses that we mentioned, the most prominent of which is the purchase of car insurance, then click on the word “individuals”, and if the purpose is to extract a national address for establishments, commercial companies and others, then click on the option “Business” If you are a government agency, you should contact the government sales department and they will serve you.
- If you are an individual and you enter the service for individuals, you will be asked for your ID number as well as your date of birth. You should make sure that your national ID is valid and not expired.
- Upon follow-up, you will be asked to enter personal information such as mobile number, e-mail, username, password, registration, add all remaining information, and issue the national address.
- If you are going to register through the business service, you should ensure the validity of the commercial register or the validity of registering your establishment in the labor office, complete the procedures and issue the national address. In conclusion, the Saudi Arabia, in light of the digital transformation witnessed by all government services, the digitization of the issuance of the national address is one of the important steps that contribute to facilitating and speeding procedures, as well as helping citizens, companies and everyone to document their place of residence in a way that preserves rights and protects everyone.